Our Story
It was started back in 2004. My family convinced me to get back into my creativity. My family is supportive of all my work and are my inspiration.
At a young age I was crafting and creating. Got interested in making clothing while a teenager and the passion has never stopped. Once I began having children my focus became creating for them. I currently am a stay-at-home-mom and would like to continue to be. I am thankful I have supporters like you who help me be able to work a flexible job.
I am a mom of 6 and getting crafty is my relaxation. Whenever I makes something for my kids, I makes another set to sell. So you are getting an item that is one of two or one of a kind. You will find similar products within, but mainly one of a kind or two.
I currently make and sell mainly tutus, youth clothing, hair accessories, make-up, jewelry/bottle cap jewelry, baby accessories, well basically a bit of everything. It generally is whatever I am interested in making the my children I make a double.
We rarely if ever have a sale, as our prices are priced to sell. We have done our cost analysis and price our items at a price we feel is not only fair, but as we would pay ourselves. There is no large mark up here. Sometimes we sell an item at cost, we just want to continue to sew. Therefor your purchases go right back into material cost and give the ability to continue on doing what we love!